Welcome to the website of the 2nd Upminster Scout Group. We are a church-affiliated Scout Group based at St Laurence Church in Upminster, Essex and are one of 18 Scout Groups belonging to Hornchurch District Scout Association. Our Scout Group has three sections - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts – which together provide weekly Scouting activities for young people between the ages of six and fourteen.The Scouting formula is simple: using volunteer adult leaders and basic facilities, Scouting helps young people from all backgrounds to develop universally valued qualities of trust, empathy, confidence, integrity and a spirit of adventure. Life skills are learned to help young people become tomorrow's happiest, healthiest and most productive citizens, some of whom will be tomorrow's leaders.
Click here to download our welcome letter, containing helpful information for parents and carers.
Click on the logos below to find out more about each section, or use the menu above for information about our Group and Scouting in general. We hope to see you soon.